Year Round Opportunities
Throughout its history, DCC has depended on volunteers to operate. Constituents have provided support in all areas for six decades! There are opportunities to volunteer time, service or professional skills. Each year, volunteers provide thousands of hours of service. Our hope is that such strong volunteer support will continue for years to come…
DCC recruits volunteers help with a variety of tasks, including food service. Because the budget is tight and needs are sporadic, it has not been feasible to hire year-round food service staff. There may be stretches of weeks or months where food service is not needed, then times with high demand that stretch our small staff too thinly. Our hope is to build a pool of volunteers who can assist when demands are high. Instructions are posted and recipes are provided. We provide supplies, but help is needed to prepare & serve. (Typically a weekend group eats breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday.) We are eager to hire people who could be “on call” on a regular basis to work in the kitchen. To inquire, contact or call 971-600-1244.
DCC depends on volunteers to gather and cut firewood, fill pot holes, paint, repair equipment, clean facilities, and maintain trails. We always appreciate extra help to not only lighten the load, but to make the work more fun! In addition to manual labor, DCC depends on volunteers for programming. We need pastors, nurses, artists, story tellers, song leaders, and naturalists. We need graphic designers, photographers, and grant writers. We are looking for childcare providers, tech support and scientists. Gardeners willing to share produce are appreciated. We need people to serve on committees, plan programs and recruit volunteers; artists, scrap bookers and memory-keepers. Tell us your skills and interests and we will find the job that’s right for you.
DCC strives to make the volunteer experience enjoyable! We invite anyone interested to lend a hand. It’s not scary! Perhaps you are looking for volunteer opportunities for your family? Group of friends? Sunday School class? Private sleeping space is reserved for volunteers. Having regular volunteer support significantly lightens the load for year-round staff. Would your group partner with Drift Creek’s ministry for a weekend?
Volunteer support sustains Drift Creek Camp. Please consider this opportunity to get involved and help create a fabulous Drift Creek Camp experience for others.
DCC is currently seeking to hire additional Camp Hosts. This is a year-round position. Housing, a monthly stipend, and some meals are included in the compensation package. We’d love to talk with you more about this opportunity. Please give us a call at 971-600-1244 or email to learn more about this position or follow these links: Camp Host Job Description, Camp Host Employment Application.

- OFFICE: postage stamps, printer paper, envelopes!
- GROUNDS: 4-wheeler, new wheel barrow, heavy-duty trash cans with lids, electric hedge trimmer.
- MAINTENANCE: We will soon need to replace camp’s 4-wheel drive truck for hauling trash, wood, etc.
- PROGRAM: We would LOVE to add picture books to our library that include more diversity! If you have picture or chapter books to donate, they are much appreciated. The counselors read to campers during quiet time and in the evenings. It would be great to have books that reflect camp’s values of love for neighbor, caring for God’s creation, peace and justice.
FOOD SERVICE (dates when volunteers are needed):
- March 19-21 — Outdoor School
- April 19-20 — Spring Work Days
- April 23-26 — Outdoor School
- May 3-5 — Family Reunion
- May 20-22 — Outdoor School
- May 22-24 — Outdoor School
- May 29-31 — Outdoor School
- June 3-6 — Outdoor School
- July 5-7 — Family Reunion
- September 6-7 — Disc Golf Tournament
- October 4-6 — West Salem High School Orchestra
- October 17-20 — Fall Quilt Retreat
- November 1-3 — Annual Meeting
- Install the repaired bridge gate, which was damaged by a bus!
- The flooring Sitka needs to be replaced.
- Electricians to install new lighting in the kitchen bathroom and hallway by laundry.
- Folks to clear ditches along the camp road!