2008 Bioblitz Event

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAn eager and talented group of scientists, educators and nature enthusiasts visited Drift Creek Camp, Lincoln City, Oregon, on May 23-24 to identify as many organisms as possible within a 24-hour period of time. We were blessed with good weather and a team of experts in native plants, birds, insects, amphibians, reptiles, mushrooms, fish, mammals and photography and some inquisitive children. Over 200 species were identified including the marbled murrelet and western toad.

Many of these expert naturalists have returned to DCC during other seasons to continue developing an inventory of the biodiversity in this late succession coastal rainforest ecosystem in the Siuslaw National Forest. We are using the information gathered and knowledge gained to enhance, enrich and expand the opportunities for guests of DCC to appreciate, respect and care for nature. You can view the results in a searchable database or static table with links to photographs. Please continue reading to learn more about this effort.

Bioblitz Team

Our biodiversity survey has been blessed by a  highly skilled and generous team of experts. Names marked with an (*) participated in the original May 24, 2008, bioblitz event and have continued to support the effort with return visits and assistance with identification. Unmarked names have joined the effort following the initial event.

Names in alphabetical order:  Victor Berthelsdorf, Wilbur Bluhm*, Joe Ebersole*, Lisa Ebersole*, Bruce Eder*, Janet Eder*, Seth Ediger, Ronald Exeter, Bruce Flaming*, Roy Gerig*, Jennifer Gingerich*, John Gingerich*, Conrad Gowell*, Shelley Gowell*, Jake Hurlbert*, Kaitlyn Kauffman, Wilbur Kauffman*, Norm Lind,  David McCorkle*, Lorelei Norvell, Laura and Jesse Sigmans,  Lowell Spring*, Chris and Lisa Olvares, Marty Stein,  Rich Swartzentruber*, Bruce Waugh, and  Jon Yoder*

You may use this link for a brief bio of many of these volunteers.

Bioblitz Inventory

We have maintained a list of the species identified during our 2008 bioblitz and added additional ones as the survey has continued. You will find the list at this link.

Bioblitz Inventory Booklet

We created printed a copy of this inventory for visitors to our Nature Information Center. You can view this booklet at this link.

Bioblitz Video

This 7 minute video filmed and prepared by Jennifer Gingerich will give you a good feel for our bioblitz event and those participating in it. You may view it at this link.