Our Mission
Drift Creek Camp is affiliated with the Mennonite Church and exists to:
• Nurture Christian faith
• Provide formative experiences for youth
• Provide a welcoming place for renewal in God’s creation
• Be a resource for congregations and conference activities
Located in the Coast Range Mountains, Drift Creek Camp provides a secluded setting in an old-growth forest ideal for outdoor schools, conferences, retreats and family reunions. Guests have easy access to miles of trails, thousands of acres in Siuslaw National Forest, and miles of beautiful Oregon coastline.
Drift Creek Camp was founded by and operated through the stewardship of the Mennonite Camp Association of Oregon, Inc. It is authorized under a special-use permit by the US Forest Service. The camp is available to religious, educational, family, cultural, and public service groups. DCC hosts guests for various retreats, camps, reunions, outdoor education programs and group gatherings.
What is a Mennonite?
The Mennonites are a group of Christian Anabaptist denominations named after Menno Simons (1496–1561), who, through his writings, articulated and formalized the teachings of earlier Swiss founders. Over the years, Mennonites have become known as one of the historic peace churches because of their commitment to nonviolence. More about Mennonites.